

According to folk tales from Lucca, when you are not able to find your key or something disappears inexplicably in your house, it is Linchetto’s fault.

It is believed that Linchetto is a naughty spirit that tricks people in their own house. She/he can cause knots in your hair so you will be forced to cut it or she will steal something so you cannot find it. She loves neatness and she cannot bear disorder. If you want to get rid of Linchetto, you can leave a bowl of berries or rice.  She is not able to count. If she knocks over a bowl of berries in the dark, she instinctively will want to count them. Not being good at counting, she will soon get bored. Alternatively, she will be disgusted if you eat polenta and cheese.


Awards Winner:

Bifa 2021Fapa 2021